Whether your bundle of joy has arrived or their arrival is just around the corner, with all the baby products available it can become very overwhelming and confusing as to what you need. We’re going to put a range of blogs together with essential things you need in preparation for your bundle of joy, starting with ensuring your baby sleeps safely.
When it comes to your baby, sleeping is fairly simple, you won’t need a lot of help to make sure your baby will sleep safely. Having a lot of items in the baby’s cot isn’t recommended.
Items for ensuring your baby sleeps safely
- Babies need their own sleep surface within a Moses basket, cot or travel cot.
- The mattress within the bed needs to be firm and flat which fits the Moses basket or cot properly.
- The Mattress should have a waterproof cover to keep the mattress clean and dry. It is advised using a baby sleeping bag rather than loose sheets and blankets.

It is advised that the safest way for your baby to sleep is in their own bed and in the same room as you for the first six months at least. You should place your baby on their back to sleep as this is the safest position. Always stay away from using soft or big bedding (quilts, pillows or duvets), these items can increase the risk of them overheating.

Can you reuse a mattress?
It is advised that you should use a new mattress for each baby.
It is advised to make sure your babies mattress is clean and dry, making sure you clean the waterproof cover thoroughly before you use it. Make your babies bed is made up with fresh, clean bedding as we all love fresh bedding!
Oxfordshire Newborn Photographer

A question we often get asked, is it safe for my baby to sleep in a car seat?
The simple answer to that is yes, though for a maximum of two at any one time. It is advised it’s best if an adult sits in the back seat with them so they can keep a close eye on them. However if you can’t do this then make sure you can see them through your rear view mirror.
Please always refer to the manufacturers guidance when you position your baby in the car seat and make sure it’s fitted correctly and safely in the car.